✓ If you want to improve your overall facial proportions
✓ If you want to reduce the height of your forehead
✓ If you want to have a pretty hairline
Safe and beautiful with 20 years of know-how!
Ideal face ratio, forehead reduction surgery
CHECK POINTIdeal face ratio
Improve the ideal face ratio by matching the ideal ratio of the upper face, mid face, and lower face.
CHECK POINTPretty hairline without hair transplant
Complete a natural hairline without hair transplant.
CHECK POINTForehead reduction that preserves hair roots
Minimizes damage to hair roots by making a 45-degree incision that considers the direction in which hair grows.
Ideal face ratio
If the forehead is relatively wide compared to the overall ratio, the hairline is pulled down to create a balanced face ratio.
Be&Young's forehead reduction finds a harmonious ratio of the upper face, mid face, and lower face.
Forehead reduction surgery method
step 1 Incise along the hairline and then peel.
Preserve the hair follicles along the hairline, make an oblique incision, and delicately peel while preserving the supraorbital nerve.
step 2 Fix the flap after excising the skin.
Remove a certain amount of skin and pull the flap to firmly fix it to the floor of the forehead.
step 3 Suture to avoid leaving a scar.
After meticulously suturing multiple layers including the skin layer, subcutaneous muscle layer, and periosteum layer, the skin is fixed to the bone using bone tunneling to minimize tension applied to the skin.
Forehead reduction surgery requires accurate cause analysisand abundant experience.
Based on many overseas lectures and abundant experience on endoscopic forehead lift, Be&Young Clinic published a medical journal on Asian forehead lift in the 2021 FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA, a world-renowned plastic surgery medical journal.
Differentiated Technology in forehead reduction surgery
0years of experience in forehead surgery
Only experienced specialists who have experienced various types of cases can talk about natural, safe, and long-term results. The difference in experience makes the difference in results.
No Endotine is used.
Since Endotine is not used, there is no foreign body sensation and it is safe.
Preservation of the supraorbital nerve
Reduces scalp sensitivity by preserving the supraorbital nerve.
Minimizes scarring by preserving the hair root
The hair root is preserved as much as possible with a 45-degree incision, so that the fine incision line is hidden as the hair grows out.
Carefully sutures the skin, muscles, fascia, and periosteum
Multiple layers are carefully sutured to minimize tension applied to the skin.
Forehead Reduction Surgery Aftercare
Be&Young’s aftercare for a faster return to daily life
Inflammation management 염증, 흉살, 부기 관리를 위한 주사 시술을 통해
관리해 드리고 있습니다.
Swelling management ㅅ라이트는 광에너지를 피부 깊은 곳까지 침투시켜
부기, 통증을 줄여주고 수술부위의 상처나 염증을 빠르게
치유해 수술 후 빠른 회복을 유도합니다.
Scar management흉터는 시간이 자나면 자연적으로 완화 되지만
레이저를 통해 작은 흉터까지도 깨끗하게 치료합니다.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q Can the scalp feel pulled after forehead reduction?
The feeling of the scalp being pulled can vary depending on the individual's condition. If the scalp is loose or the eyebrows do not move much, there is almost no pulling sensation. On the other hand, if the eyebrows move a lot or the scalp mobility is limited, your forehead might be excoriated harder, causing the scalp to feel pulled. However, this feeling will naturally disappear over time.
Q How much scar will be left after forehead reduction?
When performing forehead reduction, the hair follicles are preserved along the hairline, and the incision is made obliquely and sutured meticulously, so the scar is not very noticeable.
Q How much will the forehead be reduced?
It varies depending on the individual's condition and the elasticity of the scalp. Generally, it is reduced by about 1.5 to 2.5 cm, but in some cases, the forehead is reduced by 2 to 2.5 cm if it is excessively wide.
Q Are there any side effects after forehead reduction?
If forehead reduction is performed without paying attention to the hair roots, the side effect of hair not growing well in the surgical area may occur. To prevent this, Be&Young Clinic performs the surgery by making an oblique incision along the hairline to preserve the hair roots as much as possible.
Based on our clinical experience and continuous exchanges with world-class experts, we will strive and research to provide the best medical service and the best surgical results to all those who visit Be&Young.
Time together 0 years
Cumulative number of surgeries 0 cases
Patient satisfaction0 %
01Responsible treatment by the surgeonThe surgeon is responsible for all processes from consultation, surgery, and follow-up.
02Continuous research and effortWe continuously research various surgical methods through continuous academic activities.
03Only necessary surgeriesWe do not recommend unnecessary procedures or surgeries. We only perform necessary surgeries.
04Strict safety standards
We do our best to ensure safe surgeries through thorough management.