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Be & young Plastic Surgery
Be & young Plastic Surgery
Be&Young Cogelco
No incision, No artificial prosthesis, No cotton balls inside the nose, No splint
Minimizing downtime and tissue damage while preserving the tip of the nose line
Be&Young’s Signature, Be&Young Cogelco
수술 전 주의사항 수술 후 주의사항
Basic surgery information
Surgery duration
20 minutes
Anesthesia method
Sleep anesthesia
Outpatient treatment
2 times
Suture removal
Ear sutures only, after 7 days
Recovery period
3 days
Recommended for

COGELCO lowers the risk of tissue damage and
preserves the tip of the nose
Return to daily life in 3 days is possible.
Surgery time is 20 minutes, and the tip taping of the nose is removed in 3 days, allowing a quick return to daily life.
Be&Young Cogelco
There are no visible scars.
Since the surgery is performed without incision, the nasal artery that supplies blood to the tip of the nose is preserved, reducing the risk of damage.
Be&Young Cogelco
No artificial prostheses are used.
Only autologous cartilage is used, making it safe, permanent, and natural in shape.

Be&Young Cogelco
No scars, quick recovery
Natural and smart nose line
Surgery is performed through a small incision inside the nose.
No visible scars, and the columella artery is preserved,
reducing the risk of side effects.
Be&Young Cogelco
Open rhinoplasty
Be&Young Cogelco
Cogelco rhinoplasty
Without splints, the neat taping is removed on the third day after surgery,
allowing a quick return to daily life.
Be&Young Cogelco
Be&Young Cogelco
Bleeding is minimized during surgery,
and the mucosa is sutured to ensure a close fit
without inserting cotton inside the nose,
allowing for a comfortable daily life without stuffy cotton.
Be&Young Cogelco
It maintains a beautifully lifted nose tip without dropping
the nose tip even without a hard columella support.
Be&Young Cogelco
Before surgery
Be&Young Cogelco
8 months after surgery
3일만에 일상생활로의 복귀가 가능합니다.
With over 2,000 cases of Cogelco surgery, the difference in experience makes the difference in results.

With over 20 years of experience and technical skills, the current Cogelco rhinoplasty has been created with a short surgery time of 20 minutes and without using cotton or splints inside the nose after surgery. Natural and pretty nose line, permanent unlike surgery but with short downtime like surgery, and safe and effective surgery method through continuous research and effort.
Be&Young Cogelco surgery method
Be&Young Cogelco
step 1
Autologous cartilage is harvested.
Most of the time, only ear cartilage is used for the tip of the nose, but if the bridge of the nose is raised using the Cogelco method, costal cartilage may need to be used.
Be&Young Cogelco
step 2
The harvested cartilage is crushed and granulated.
Be&Young Cogelco
step 3
It is processed with autologous blood adhesive.
Be&Young Cogelco
step 4
A small incision is made inside the nose and a space large enough to fit the Cogelco is created.
Be&Young Cogelco
step 5
The Cogelco is inserted into the nose and designed into the desired shape.
Be&Young Cogelco Differentiated Technology
Over 0 case of Cogelco surgery experience
Only experienced specialists who have experienced various types of cases can talk about natural, safe, and long-term results. The difference in experience makes the difference in results
Be&Young Cogelco
With your own cartilage, it is safe. +
It is safe and natural using only autologous cartilage.
Be&Young Cogelco
Autologous blood fibrin, permanent nose tip shape +
Autologous blood adhesive containing fibrin extracted from autologous blood increases the survival rate of cartilage, maintaining the permanent nose tip shape.
Be&Young Cogelco
Low absorption rate due to perichondrium harvesting +
Perichondrium is a tissue that supplies nutrients to cartilage, and the perichondrium in front and behind the cartilage is harvested while attached to the cartilage, so the cartilage absorption rate is low.
Be&Young Cogelco
Simple additional injection +
If you want to supplement the volume of a specific area after time passes, you can simply inject additional cartilage particles as in the first surgery.
Be&Young Cogelco
No nasal cotton, scar-free rhinoplasty +
A 1cm micro-incision inside the nostrils allows for quick recovery without visible scars or cotton inside the nose.
Be&Young Cogelco
Nose tip, nose bridge, and columella plastic surgery +
Cogelco allows not only for the tip of the nose, but also for nose bridge height raising and nasolabial fold surgery like silicone.
specialist doctor
There was a time when I performed high, flashy,
and excessive surgeries to suit the patient's needs.

As I gained more experience, I wondered if I could perform a surgery that was natural,
had clear changes, and had less potential for long-term side effects.
Cogelco started from that idea.
Cogelco, Application No. 40 -2022-0172400 Cogelco, Application No. 40 -2022-0172400
Dr. Kim In-sang applied for the trademark "Cagel" in 2022, and is currently using the "Cogelco" method,
which is a more technically improved version of the trademark.

In addition to Cogelco, there are similar surgical methods such as Caseel and Nosefill.

In broad terms, it is a surgical method similar to surgical methods using costal particles,
cartilage particles, and minced cartilage.
Be&Young Cogelco Aftercare
Be&Young’s aftercare for a faster return to daily life
Inflammation management
Swelling management
Scar management
Frequently Asked Questions
Q The transplanted cartilage spreads and is difficult to scrape off later?
You may think that it is scraped off like filler because of the short surgery time and recovery period, but since it is implanted in a single lump, it does not spread and does not need to be scraped off, and it is easy to separate from the surrounding tissue, just like a regular ear cartilage transplant.
Q If there is no columella support, won't it sag over time?
The small ear cartilage particles form a lattice shape, so it is less likely to collapse or sag due to being pressed down than when multiple large lumps are stacked. Autologous tissues such as collagen and vascular tissue are inserted between the particles to support the lattice structure. This type of surgery allows smooth movement when touching the tip of the nose.
Q I previously had a nose thread procedure. Can I have the nose thread removed before the Cogelco surgery?
If the thread is protruding or visible, the Cogelco surgery can be performed while removing the thread, but if there are no major problems, the Cogelco surgery can be performed while keeping the nose thread.
Based on our clinical experience and continuous
exchanges with world-class experts, we will strive
and research to provide the best medical service
and the best surgical results to all those who visit Be&Young.
0   years
number of surgeries
0   cases
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집도의 책임 진료
Responsible treatment by the surgeon
The surgeon is responsible for all processes from consultation, surgery, and follow-up.
집도의 책임 진료
Continuous research and effort
We continuously research various surgical methods through continuous academic activities.
집도의 책임 진료
Only necessary surgeries
We do not recommend unnecessary procedures or surgeries. We only perform necessary surgeries.
집도의 책임 진료
Strict safety standards
We do our best to ensure safe surgeries through thorough management.
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10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed on Sundays and public holidays
11th floor, OPUS Building, 407 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul
(1 minute walk from Exit 10 of Gangnam Station on Line 2)
Parking Information
12 Seocho-daero 73-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul (World Building), 1 minute walk, 2 hours free parking, Valet fee 4,000 won
Download map Copy map address
11th floor, OPUS Building, 407 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul


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